Saturday 8 November 2008

Macedonia. End game of the name game.

 The name game regarding FYROM has gone on long enough.

First off, it's time to stop all these pathetic attempts to "re-write" history. Macedonia and Alexander's legacy was and always will be Greek, carved in ancient stone and marble for all the world to see.

The FORMER Yugoslav (so-called) "Republic of Macedonia" was and, unless some common sense prevails, always will be a sad state of affairs.

The main reason that the ridiculous "claim" by the Bulgarian leftovers of FYROM has not succeeded in hi-jacking the ancient Greek name of Macedonia is that, despite all the cynical and hypocritical "Realpolitik" games going on in the region, there are REAL world issues and historical facts that cannot be avoided.

This is why all the "angry demands" and "claims" by these hi-jackers of history which, when seen all together, only manage to contradict themselves or end up in "indignant" yet baseless and historically absurd "arguments". But what is even more absurd and shameful is that any self respecting person or "organization" would give any of these claims any creedance.

It is also why the UN and EU are - in the very least - still insisting on a compromise on the name (which is far more than this fabricated mish-mash of a country deserves) as regrettably, it is deemed that such a settlement will serve other interests in the region. Greece though, for historical but more crucially future geo political reasons, should NOT compromise on the "new name" and how it is used.

It remains a sad state of affairs when a bunch of slavo-Bulgarians - that are mostly a left over from the Balkan wars and Tito's clumsy attempts of territorial gains and access to the Mediterranean sea - try to hijack the ancient Greek name of Macedonia in a pathetic attempt to give themselves a false "identity".

Something which was clearly exposed by then US Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius in 1944, stating in no uncertain terms that: "This (US) government considers talk of Macedonian “nation,” Macedonian “fatherland,” or Macedonian “national consciousness” to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece." This reality remains even if there has been a shift in some quarters of US "policy" in the region.

Subsequently, this sad and latest episode of these displaced Bulgarians - who also have to deal with a large Albanian minority with their own agendas - is more a case of 'the mouse that roared' (with the cynical "support" of those with rather devious agendas in the region) than a case of legitimate "claims" to any so-called "ethnic" identity. (Slavs, by the way, did not even arrive in the region until AFTER 600AD and - as their first 'president' Gligorov rightly said - have ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to do with Alexander and Macedonia)

Further more it should also be made clear that even Bulgaria - despite it's past and present agendas - doesn't recognize the existence of "slavo-macedonians" in the so-called republic!!! - quite rightly considering all FYROM "skopjianovskis" as Bulgarians.

On the other hand, the heritage, cities and monuments of Alexander were, are and always will be GREEK, carved in ancient stone and marble that no devious or pathetic attempts to re-write history - or any brown nosing those who indulge in so-called "great games" in the region - can change, let alone erase.

If the "supporters" of the FYROM genuinely want a solution to the serious problems and stability of this "country" and the Balkans, it is time to put a stop to this nonsense and deal with the realities of not only the region but also the very serious and very REAL WORLD social-economic and environmental problems that we ALL have to face in THIS century. 

It would also be wise to remember that Mother Nature doesn't do "bail outs" or "qunatitative easing"...