Monday 15 February 2010

The comedy of the modern Greek "tragedy".

Situation serious but not hopeless?

Once again, Greece finds itself caught up in the silly "great games" being played out in the region and the absurd and even obscene "currency wars" primarily because of the desperate attempts to save the rotten, debt ridden dollar.

There is also the very serious issue of control over the oil and huge natural gas reserves in the Aegean and rare earth metals in Northern Greece - hence all those bulgaro-skopjian bullshit "claims" and turkish delusions of adequacy as a "neo-ottoman empire". Once again Greece is being provoked and/or manipulated to "play ball" by the various competing "powers", in the latest round of so-called "great games" as they seek to consolidate control over resources - especially oil and gas pipelines to Europe from the Caucasus, Middle East, Cyprus and Russia.

Subsequently, a major contributor to the Greek debt has been the absurd amount being spent on arms deals (often useless, 2nd hand rubbish) for our "defence" against "turkish threats" to our national interests and borders - which ARE ALSO SUPPOSEDLY THE EU's SOUTH EASTERN BORDERS! Ironically, a lot of these "deals" (often done with massive kick backs, bribes and corruption) are sold to us by the same NATO "partners" who are now demanding strict adherence to their "rules" - and so-called transparency and accountability - to cut our deficit.

Unfortunately Greece is also being used as "the weakest link" (after an obscene debt/SWAPS scam stemming from the high treason of the pasok "socialists" and Goldman Shits) in the literally incredible games being played out between the Euro and the debt ridden rotting dollar, using the low life, currency parasites - oops, sorry, I meant "financial markets" - who are relishing their "role" as a consequence of the EU's attempts to regulate the banksters - and hedge funds/derivatives time bomb in particular! (fuck knows where and when it is going to first explode but when it does, it will make the last 'crisis' look like a picnic!

Fortunately, if - and it's a big IF - the Greek political and business "leaders" now manage to "play the game" smarter (and not just play ball like the present useless, treacherous, "amerikanaki" and his so-called "socialist" government is doing) than they have done in the past (and the Greek people wake up to a few 21st century realities) the long term economic and national interest gains, especially the proper use and exploitation of those natural resources, will quite possibly - and justifiably - be much more in our favour!

Unfortunately though, the signs are not good for Greece - or the world economy for that matter - because, despite all those criminally insane "bail outs" and "threats" of regulation, it's bonuses as usual for all those parasitic filthy hyenas and our so-called "world leaders" are still largely dealing with a whole new set of problems with the same anachronistic and literally discredited mentality that created them in the first place!

What is even more frightening is the general apathy of the sleepwalking masses who have been bludgeoned into a lemming like fatalism! Time to wake up people!

(this was first written long before the "uprisings" in the middle east and north Africa which look like spreading - maybe there's hope for us yet! ...maybe...)

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